An Announcement

Right now I’m playing the video game Anthem, and watching my cat play with a newly rediscovered toy of his. 

I’m also blogging.  I’ve taken some time off from work and given myself a gift: Some time to myself. 

One of those things is writing again, a sort of jump start. Some of the product of that journaling and writing was the discovery of a project. I blogged semi regularly before, but never really had a strong focus for it.  Right now I’m still collecting thoughts on paper, and beginning to get my research accessible and all in one place.

It’s going to involve some pictures, some links on the internet, maybe some names will be changed, maybe not? If a person is named on the internet but is never tagged in social media, were they ever really named at all? It’ll be an exercise more than anything else. A direction, certainly, a destination? I can’t say.

I’ll try to make it sound like we haven’t talked in a while and I’m catching you up.

I’d like that.