Category Archives: Technology

Solio H1000

I picked up the Solio H1000 over at Best Buy.  They’re getting rid of them, clearly, as the one I purchased was brand new and well over 50% off.

Additionally, I managed to pick up enough tips and combined with the iGo USB charging cable, I’ve got almost all of my on the go charging needs met.  Overall, I’m happy with the H1000, although I have yet to charge it in the sunlight.  However, charging it over the USB cable, and then having the extra power when I need it is great, considering my plethora of my mobile devices.

I’d like to try charging it in the sunlight when the days are a bit longer.

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The Future

Honestly, when I was but a young lad, carefree and winning spelling bees every year in grade school from first to eighth grade, I never once imagined that I’d have a robot of my very own to vaccuum the house for me.

Now that I have one, I never thought I’d be wrapping socks around the legs of furniture to protect them from the robot.

I’ve got a Roomba.  “Roomba-kun” as we like to call him around the house, loves his job.  He loves it so much that sometimes he can be a little over enthusiastic.  Roomba-kun is a Discovery series and indicative of the breed, has a hard plastic bumper.  The bumper is his primary method of interacting with the world.  As I found out when I activated him for the first time.  He wasted no time in ramming the legs of every chair I relocated to.

Rushing headlong into the corners of wooden furniture is one of his favorite past times.  Great for him, but a sure fire way to get a lot of nicks and scratches around the legs of the wooden furniture.

Enter the bag of old socks that I don’t wear anymore.  I found that just wrapping a sock around the legs of furniture is a little easier than attaching foam to Roomba-kun’s front bumper.

So now, he happily runs headlong into things, although now I feel a little bit better about his overall well being.  The sound of him exploring his world is now punctuated by understated whump noises instead of uncomfortable twhack! noises.

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Open Source Project Night

The other day I was very productive, performing a network upgrade of my Ubuntu install to 8.10, and finally getting Handbrake to work.  Which is fantastic mainly because I have a PSP doing media duty and I didn’t necessarily want to make my MacBook Pro do all of the heavy lifting with the encoding work.  It was getting pretty warm.

Handbrake is a great app and the Ubuntu install shares the GUI with the Mac version so there wasn’t any time wasted in getting the settings the way that I wanted them.  Right now I’m just converting some files for the PSP, hopefully I’ll be able to catch up with some of my duties that I’ve been lax with.


Laptop is now lap friendly

I have a macbook pro that gets pretty hot.  Not as hot as Gabe’s, but hot enough that well, it’s uncomfortable to put it anywhere near my lap.

Even just web browsing it can get very warm.  So, in order to get past this, I looked online for any sort of utility to measure temperatures.

What I found instead was an app called smcFanControl.  I ran at the default settings and it reported that my machine was getting up to 140 degrees.  (Fahrenheit)

I upped the rpm to around 4000 and now it runs at a more lap friendly temperature of 100 degrees, and 40 degrees really does make a difference in comfort.  The machine overall even feels cooler, and although I know I’m losing fan lifecycles, I would much rather the machine ran cooler than it has been.



There’s just too many gadgets in the collection.  I don’t know why I have every iteration of the gameboy, I just do.  There’s a Neo Geo pocket color in there too.  Then there are the three Nintendo DS handhelds.

Either way, it’s time for a culling.

Too many portable audio devices, too.  I just don’t know why.  At last count there were three variations of the iPod and a 30GB Zune.

Cameras, plural.  I don’t want to get into that.

Then there are the bits and bobs that go along with each.  Chargers, proprietary cables, cradles, adapters and they all add up into tons of electronic crap just laying around the house.

I have a core group of items that are definitely staying, but I really have to pare it down among the mass of spaghetti and screens.