Category Archives: Technology

The Future!

TheFuture.jpgAfter the announcement of Boot Camp, it became nearly impossible to see a genius without a reservation made three months previous.

I took this picture a few months ago. Little did I know its true nature as a portent of today’s news.
I do have a concern regarding the drivers and the nature of their robustness.



Although, the idea of running both OSs on the same laptop is an awesome idea. I’m tempted to get a much better laptop now. Just think, apple could have won that thirteen thousand dollar bounty if they had just released this in early March.

Of course, that’s old and busted. The new hotness is getting those video cards working.

Then I’ll have the best of both worlds.

A robust, more stable and practical OS—and the OS that I have to keep around because of one application.

Update: Also, I played the Tomb Raider: Legend demo and it seems like a decent game. The end of days are truly upon us.

Not so greased

The Lightning extension for Mozilla Thunderbird adds the long missing calendar component into the beloved mail and newsreader app.

It is, in a word, “rough.” However, it does work. It’s functional in the way that a two by four can be used as a writing utensil.

Unwieldy, it’s not very polished, you may get splinters, and there are just some things you can’t do with it—but it is functional as a calendar. I’m just letting you know, in case you wanted a calendar from the Mozilla family that integrates into Thunderbird.

Photo Bug

I’ve noticed an interesting behavior in my iPhoto library. Not an application error or anything like that but I’m actually looking at a pattern in my behavior.

I have over a thousand photos in 2003. Then eight hundred or so in 2004. Then about six hundred photos for 2005. I’ve only got sixty or so photos for this year, and it’s a quarter over.

I’m not sure what is prompting the decline in photos. However, I did have that road trip to Walt Disney World in 2003, which was a lot of photos.

I do enjoy the virtual logging of my life in tiny snippets of time. With EXIF data, I know exactly when and with which camera. With comments and keywords I can search for specific people and places. Right now I’m cataloging and commenting on New Year’s Eve photos.

Which are very interesting, but I’ll leave it at that.


I’ve been thinking about a Mac Mini to augment my ailing-in-its-old-age PowerBook. But now, I see that the Intel Mac Minis have an integrated graphics solution.

I’m not so sure how I feel about that.

Guess I should hope for a price drop and snap up one of the older models.