Category Archives: Technology

A small announcement.

For some of you, this may come as a surprise. For others, this may just confirm everything you’ve thought about me for several years. Now, I know people have been joking about it for a while–the way I act, dress, move, etc.

First off–I realized, quite some time ago, that there is this other part of myself that I’ve been ignoring.

This part of me, is well, me. I’m not going to try to explain it or rationalize it. Just recently, I decided to act on it. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been going to “those” places where “those” people hang out.

I enjoyed it.

People were friendly. I had a very positive experience. Those of you who know my housemate, I’d like to say that he’s been very helpful with advice and support while I made my decision about letting everyone know.

While I’m making this announcement, I’d like to say that this isn’t a lifestyle “choice,” it’s part of who I really am.

I’m not going to turn my back on how I’ve lived the last 27 years of my life. I’m still the same person you knew before–I’m just exploring other options.

Mom, dad–I just want you to know that this isn’t your fault

It's pronounced, "Clee-ay"

Okay I went to the mall and found the new Sony PDA. I have never really had technolust this bad for anything ever before. I know I don’t need it. But I want it. There are reasons why I shouldn’t get it. One of them being that I don’t need it, and the other being that my current Palm IIIxe does just fine.

But damn, it’s sexy. I mean, look at it. LOOK AT IT! Higher resolution screen, it plays mp3s, movies, can run applications off of the memory card now, and has the simple Palm OS that does exactly what I need it to do.

It won’t make my life better. It won’t shorten my commute. It doesn’t do windows. It will not get me women. It is, put quite simply, a gadget, a mere toy that replicates a function of another toy that I already own and yet I want it. Argh.

Need, not want. Need, not want. Need, not want. Want is the wallet killer. Want is the little death that comes to all paychecks.

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Life Advanced

Well, I went to the mall and saw this:

(game boy ad: Life Advanced

Interesting, is it not? Advertising never ceases to amaze me. Yes, I own one, but it’s certainly not the second coming. I mean, this sign is at least, twenty feet tall. And what’s this bit about “life” being advanced? Please. I picked up Dodge Ball Advance today, and it’s just like the NES version, but better graphics. And it seems a bit slower, but it is a lot of fun.

And yes, I carry a digital camera around (one of three) wherever I go. They’re all cheap and disposable, and sub megapixel. Which is fine for my purposes. I’m not printing out any of these things, just taking memories composed of digital bits and reflected light.

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