Category Archives: Technology

Perchance to breathe

Tried to take a nap the other day. Did not wear my CPAP.

Turns out it really does work. I woke myself up more often than not, but I still managed to get some rest.

Just surprised.

My Mass Effect

So, in a compellingly suave move as befits their standard operating procedures, EA has decided that for the foreseeable future, the PC versions of Mass Effect 3 will require Origin.

Even the brick and mortar versions.

My Steam copies of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, where Shepard (no BroShep) stands ready to take on the Reaper threat, suddenly rendered useless by my unwillingness to install a nascent digital distribution framework.

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Beyond money

I have learned that you cannot, in fact, walk into an apple store, slap a thousand dollars on one of their fine wooden tables, and preorder an iPad.

They will, in a professional manner and with utmost courtesy, direct you to the website, where preorders closed two days ago.

They will then recommended that you stop by the store on the 16th, launch day, with your cash in hand.

Which doesn’t seem like a recommendation so much as an, “I dare you to.”

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My Skyrim Story

I started playing Skyrim. This was a decision that I came to after I realized that Steam had been hacked, and while Gabe assured me that everything was going to be okay, I didn’t want money hanging around in my Steam wallet.

None of this makes sense from an  Information Security standpoint.

But now there is a total of zero Steambux Spacedollars in my wallet, and Skyrim ended up costing me about $20 out of this month’s paycheck. It was full price, but I had $40 that I paid to Steam about four months ago that wasn’t doing anything.

I don’t know why I did it. I didn’t like Oblivion. I know, sacrilege. But then, due to the amazing power of groupthink and Reddit, I decided to bite the bullet.

It is a very large and snow covered bullet and I love it. Continue reading

i, Consumer

So, getting an iPod touch has been one of the best and worst purchases I’ve made this year.

On the one hand, I’ve got a mobile computer.

On the other hand, I’m getting into a dangerous ecosystem of iDevices. They are seductive, style oozing from every smooth surface, every UI decision.

An iPad can’t be far behind.

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