It was, in a single word, amazing.
It was, in a single word, amazing.
I have a couple of friends that absolutely love having over when I play video games. I love them as an audience.
I played through the first Dead Space, which is a fantastic game, by myself, but then I played through it again, with an audience and it is still a great game. In fact, it is my opinion that the audience made it better.
I played Heavy Rain entirely in this manner, and the experience was harrowing, to say the least. There are times in that experience where I had to repeat difficult sections with an audience member screaming or gripping my arm. Overall, there was an additional level of tension not unlike performance anxiety.
But we all got through and my friends, who normally would never play video games, got to enjoy the storyline.
I’m thinking about starting up Uncharted with the same folks, as well as possibly Dead Space 2. I think it will be a good time.
I’ve entertained the thought of a netbook or some sort of tablet device for a while now. Mainly, it would be something that I could use while at another computer, or in front of the television.
I’ve not spent a lot of time with a netbook, but I do like the small size and portability. Weight and form factors are my primary considerations. What I would like to do is browse the social sites from the safety and comfort of my chair and a half, or while cooking, look up recipes for bulgogi marinade instead of running back and forth between the kitchen and the 15″ MacBook on the dining table.
I’ve used Microsoft OneNote with a tablet and Windows 7, and while it was great for capturing my handwritten notes, I felt that purchasing the hardware and software would be cost prohibitive. This is a device that is meant to complement my traditional browsing and set it free from the traditional, “sitting at a desk” model, not be a primary content production device.
If I sit down to write, I prefer to be in front of a full size monitor and keyboard. Or on my Alphasmart NEO.
The iPad is right out, even though I am an OS X fan. An Android tablet, however, if priced right, could sway me that direction. The longer I wait, the better my options get, so choosing to do nothing may be the correct course of action. Or the correct course of inaction.
Of course, if I ever get a tablet device, I’m going to have to get a PADD (Personal Access Display Device) skin for it immediately so I can live in the Star Trek Future.
The 5th Gen iPod Nano is a really feature rich device for being, well, nano sized. I don’t know where to begin.
I like the video camera, but I can’t see myself using it much except in those situations where I find myself needing a middling quality video camera. On the other hand, I’ve got a middling quality video camera in my tiny music and video player.
The pedometer is interesting although I will probably not use it much. I know my route every day and I’ll maybe turn it on for special occasions.
The screen is fantastic looking and I’m thinking about moving some videos over, perhaps the first few episodes of TV that people have recommended to me but I haven’t had the time to watch. It is a small screen, but the image quality is very high so maybe it’ll even out. Then again, I watched video on the GameBoy Micro screen (thank you Play-Yan adapter) so my tolerances are probably pretty high.
There’s a voice recorder. So yeah, I guess that means I’m carrying two of them around since I have one on my phone. Which I have used in the past.
Oh, and it plays music.
My first twitter post isn’t all that exciting. It’s not a, “Hey, I’m trying out this twitter thing” or a “Hello world” post. It’s simply a blurb that exists and has some meaning in that moment.  Something that I expressed in well under 160 characters but in retrospect could have used more of them to place it in context.
Sitting in Michael’s office.
2:48 PM Apr 11th, 2007 via web