Monthly Archives: May 2009


inFamous for the PS3 is one of those games I think would work well as a movie.  I’ve been playing it non stop for a while now, and I’m pretty close to completing it, I think.  I’m actually going through and doing all the side missions.

In a twist of character, I’ve actually selected the side of not sending kittens to college, (read: evil) and doing pretty much everything that I can to look out for number one and screw everyone else.  Hostage situation?  Shoot the hostage!  Sorted!  (Thank you writers of SPEED the motion picture.)

Which is awesome.  The people actually throw rocks and try to kill me, which is really nothing more than an annoyance, but then that drives me to kill a couple out of sheer malice.  It’s like they say, fear leads to hate and hate leads to suffering.

Mainly theirs.

The game so far does a good job (it may be accidental) of making Cole’s fall believable.  He’s got these electric powers so they treat him like a freak and hate him for that.  He was at the epicenter of the explosion that caused the destruction of Empire City so they hate him for that.  He just succumbs to the hatred and starts down this path, the only path that he feels is available to him.  Even if it all just is in his mind.

Needless to say, for once I’m looking forward to playing the boy scout my next play through.  And it may be the case where I actually play the game more than once.

One month

As an experiment, I’m going to try really hard not to buy anything for one month.

That and well, people get pissed since they can’t get me anything for my birthday.

Noby Noby WTF

Okay.  I’ve been playing Noby Noby Boy for a while now.

And I still don’t know what’s going on.

I mean, I can see what’s going on, but I don’t know what’s going on.

Not really a game

“Change?” he asks.

Before I can reply, he’s asked again, this time with an outstretched hand.


It’s sort of like a game we play.  So far it’s been:

Me 347

The Homeless 3

And I pull my cap down around my ears because it’s really, really cold.

Summer Reading

So, I’ve got an urban fantasy, a hard sci fi, and now I’m looking for a fluffy fantasy novel that doesn’t have a drow in it.

I have a couple of young adult novels, the Alchemyst being one of them, but I’m sort of at a loss at my discovery that reading lots of books at once allows me to read them faster.  One would think that I would have discovered this by now.

I’m reading a lot, mainly to get the writing juices flowing.

If you don’t read, you can’t write.