The Return of What Though?

This blog is sort of a return to form of sorts, maybe an intermediate step, but on the other hand maybe I can never go back.

2001 entries:

Been up for a few hours so I mixed up a drink that’s half orange juice and half energy drink.

I’m calling it a “Guru-mosa.”

2021 entries:

Woke up at four this morning to avoid The Others, couldn’t stay indoors forever.

After all, laundry was not going to do itself. I didn’t realize I could have been adding a little detergent to the prewash cup this whole time. Not sure if the colors on my masks are brighter since the last wash, gonna check my instagram later for comparison pics!

We are double masking as The Pandemic continues, and supplies everywhere seem to be dwindling. Not that it matters lately, with our delivery infrastructure silently failing these past few years.

But seriously, these two week delays are getting out of hand. We’re almost out of shelf stable vanilla soy milk. Been drinking so, so many lattes at home lately!