Author Archives: "The Administrator"

Not indicative of politicians at all

Just came back from voting.

Took 20 minutes, in total. Good thing I had the day off, and due to my last name, I was a pretty short line.

Of note:

The campaigners are so interested in you on the way in. Every time I run the gauntlet towards the polls. I keep my hands in my pockets so they can’t give me pamphlets. I keep my eyes down so they can’t make eye contact, or put their signs where I might inadvertently read them. I shut my ears to their friendly greetings.

They want so much to make you feel like their candidate cares about you.

After I vote, my head is up, my hands are free, and my ears are open.

I try to make eye contact, and I receive nothing but a sideways glance. Nary a sneer. I don’t even get a “thanks for voting” from any of the campaigners. It is my honest belief that they would not waste their breath to send an epithet my direction.

They just don’t care.

But I vote–because for some reason, I care.

And so it begins

Just came back from Rocky Horror.

And now sleepless night welcomes me into her surprisingly temperate embrace.

I guess I should get started on that novel I mean to write.

I’ll see you all in December. I plan on doing write ins around the city, so maybe if you see me in a Starbucks or a Border’s, or in the basement of Politics and Prose, say, “Hi.”

Then leave. No offense.

For those playing the home game, current word count: 0

UPDATE: Wow, this post didn’t even make sense when I did it, in addition to double posting.

Krasota, who tracks these things for me (so I don’t have to) has passed word that there’s a Blood Moon tonight.

The Hunter’s Moon, a lunar eclipse.

The moon will actually be red tonight. Here’s why.

I’ll be taking a walk tonight around 10pm and just watch the moon. My camera’s usually not good at night shots, but I’ll bring the tripod abouts and just try to capture it with a really long exposure.

Shameless Plug

Ah, UNO. There’s nothing like throwing down your second to last card and yelling, “UNO, BITCH!!” You can give that kind of fun to a sick child this year.

You’ll notice the link to Child’s Play, the Charity that provides toys, games, books, and monetary aid to children’s hospitals in San Diego, Washington DC, Seattle, Oakland, and Houston.

I don’t know why I even linked it up. Generally, I’m not a very charity oriented person. The guys that run this charity wanted to show the media a different side of people that enjoy video games. They’re relatively normal people.


The lists are produced by the hospitals themselves, and it’s really easy to give something. You don’t even have to get up. Just follow that link, then select a hospital you want to give a gift to. You’ll be directed to an amazon wish list for that hospital. Just make sure that you change the shipping address to the hospital. That’s the important part.

Otherwise, your friends may ask why you have a copy of “El Gato En El Sombrero” on your coffee table.

Please keep in mind that the hospitals would like to receive everything by December 20th. That’s about it.

Here's a fun game

Go to the trailers portion of Apple’s Japanese website.

Now, pick a trailer, any one. Try to avoid U.S. releases ported over to Japan.

Try this one.

Now try to guess what the story is, for instance:

They are the best of the best. Only 1% of applicants are accepted. They are. . . Japan’s Coast Guard. I imagine it’s like “Top Gun” but since Japan doesn’t go around invading other countries (well, not lately, anyway) it’s the Coast Guard. There’s a love interest, the obligatory training sequences, off duty camaraderie / hijinks, a love ballad from the 80s, the tragic death of a colleague, the inevitable crisis, and the triumph of belief in one’s self over seemingly insurmountable odds.

I think I’ve seen this movie before–but. . . Journey?!

Then there are the movies that need absolutely no story whatsoever.

Here’s a quick translation: Now, a new action hero! No CG! Absolutely no wires! No stuntmen! The fastest action star around! The first action star that uses authentic Muay Thai kickboxing! Etc.

I still find it amazing that at one point in the trailer, he’s kicking a guy in the neck. And his legs are on fire. ON FIRE. At that point, who cares what the story is?