Category Archives: Technology

One step backwards, two steps quicker

I downgraded my PowerBook G4 to 10.3 (Panther) and found something on my laptop that I thought had been lost to me forever.


Tiger is just too much OS for my three year old laptop. Panther, on the other hand, is going great. Apps open zippily and there’s no exposé lag. I haven’t tried any video encoding or editing but I’m going to give it a shot soon and see what that feels like.

With Leopard looming on the horizon, I’m left wondering how long I can ride the Panther train.

My guess is, “not very long.”

On the other hand, Core 2 Duo MacMinis should be on the horizon very soon. . .

Next time, on ER

“One last try.” I pressed the button that sent electricity through the rest of the body. I imagined connections being made, electrons excited, pathways connected. I looked at the screen for signs of life.


“Dammit.” I reached for the button again but her hand stopped me.

“Call it.” Her voice sounded firm. “It’s over.”

I sighed. and looked at one of the many clocks on the wall. I looked back to the patient.

I looked one last time at the table. “Despite dramatic measures on the part of the technical staff, including one processor transplant, power supply replacement, and RAM reseating, patient refused to respond to all treatment.”

It was a carcass now. That’s all it ever would be. I had to accept that.

“Recorded time of death is nine pm, December seventh. Cause of death is uncertain, but this technician would guess motherboard failure.”

That machine’s not coming back. Never even got to POST after that first failed boot. My guess is that it’s the motherboard at this point and not a processor or video card issue. Regardless, it’s going to be too hard to troubleshoot at this point and all I can do is scavenge the body for parts. It’s also a good time for me to get the case clean again for a different motherboard.

Ah well. It was a good run.

Flash Video Test

So Dreamhost has this great feature on their site where you can convert .avi / .mov / what have you, into .flv video for use with their streaming media server. In theory, you can embed that video and player into WordPress posts.

As can be evidenced above, that’s not always the case.

Update: Success! Sorta. Yes, it’s an oldie. Well, it’s the only, technically, but hey, it’s a decent entry!

Gearing Up

Right now, I’m excited about WriteRoom and its Windows counterpart, DarkRoom.

The programs do the same thing. The create a simple screen, devoid of user interface and formatting options that allows you to just sit and write. Provided, of course, that you have the temporal luxury to sit and write.

WriteRoom however, has the advantage of an autosave (every five seconds) and multiple rooms. You can have up to ten rooms open at a time, each a different project, and they’ll all be saved once you close and open up the app again. In this respect, it turns your five pound PowerBook G4 into an AlphaSmart Neo with a larger screen.

A word on rooms. You can have ten rooms open at a time. Each room can be a different project, for instance, room 1 can be a blog entry, room 2 can be a flash fiction submittal for, etc. Their contents are saved every five seconds. When you close WriteRoom, their status is saved. When you open up the application again, all of the rooms are restored, and you can switch between the active room with a simple key combination.

It’s a different way of working, but one that I’ve grown used to, working on the Neo.

Of course, the Neo has the advantage in terms of weight (two pounds), battery life (three AAAs, seven hundred hours), and autosaving every keystroke. On the other hand, the LCD screen is functional, not so elegant.

Running WriteRoom on your laptop is both.

DarkRoom is not as good as WriteRoom, at least not yet. DarkRoom is notepad with a WriteRoom appearance. It’s still very early in its development cycle, so I’m sure that multiple rooms and an autosave function will be implemented at some point. Update: Oh wait, my fault. I didn’t dig deep enough into the application preferences. DarkRoom has an autosave feature, but I don’t really know how often it saves. I just wanted to be clear on the feature set. I do hope to see multiple rooms, though.

They are both useful for getting text “out there” without any distractions. Why would these programs be important?

For NaNoWriMo, of course.

Apple event

Well, that was a lot of iPod related stuff, but nothing you weren’t expecting if you were reading any of the rumor sites. The bit that was interesting to me was the collaboration with PopCap and the addition of real games to the iPod. It was only a matter of time, and this way, Apple starts tapping into that casual gamer market that everyone seems to want a piece of lately.

Now, the video breakout box. I have the suspicion that playback may be limited only to videos bought from the store. In that case, boo to Apple.

I have a perfectly good machine that runs VLC and is already connected to my television. Sure, there’s no remote and Front Row 2.0 interface—but my machine’s already done and it works. Hooked up to my surround sound, via the magic of physical switchboxes.

Where are my merom based MacBook Pros? Honestly!