Category Archives: Blog

The great age of lines


Lines and more lines.

The BCEC Lobby during PAX East.

Lines and more lines. Queues upon queues. Part of the wonder is gone as more and more people show up, adding to the great mass.

I mean that is part of why this is amazing. But I wonder if it’s still what I want to do every year.

My bartenders are pretty good


Ommegang Game of Thrones Fire and Blood.

One of the greatest feelings I’ve experienced is walking into a bar after a year away from that bar, and then being greeted by name.

That is what happened when I walked into the Legal Test Kitchen, Boston, located in Seaport.

I’m going to be perfectly honest. I primarily chose this bar because it was the closest restaurant to the Rennaisance Boston. It has a little bit of history for me as it was here where I have rekindled friendships with Boston friends, and made plenty of new friends each PAX East.

There are memories here, such as the time I got so drunk that I fell into the street, and my friends were so drunk that no one had any recollection of that event.

But bartenders here have been attentive, and take care of you even if you’re not a regular. They are friendly, check in on you, and do their best to make you feel like you have a space at the bar that they’ve been saving for you.

Many thanks to Helen, Josh and Catherine.

On The Train to PAX East

Lots of people are heading toward the back car, lots of streetpass opportunities are already happening.



Not dead

Just testing a bit and gearing up for PAX East.

The New Keyboard

imageThis is my new keyboard.

You may notice that it is black and shiny.

Oh, and the keys are unmarked. Which means that I have to trust myself to know where the special characters are. It’s replacing an older keyboard that I wasn’t really keen on using, and honestly, had neglected to the point of being a little gross. That’s now sitting on a loading dock in my building. It’s up for grabs if you want it. I noticed my wear patterns on the older keyboard, and I was thinking about how I never used any of the special buttons, like back in the web browser, or launching the calculator.

Those keys were completely unnecessary. They weren’t needed, they were useless. So right now, I’m typing this, listening to the clackety clack of blue switches. Which is apparently a thing I didn’t realize. All the different variants of the switch types for mechanical keyboards. I went with blue for two reasons:

  1. It’s loud, and I like the feedback of the keys. There is a definite resistance to the keys, and a completely tactile feel of the key being depressed.
  2. I live alone.

Two is important because this is a really clicky keyboard. I’m not sure how I can drive home how clicky it is. There is a tactile feel to it, a physicality that I can’t really compare to membrane keyboards.

Oh, and you may notice is has no letters or symbols on it. I figure I live the rest of my life on hard mode, I might as well start doing it here. I also am somewhat amazed at physical memory. We’ll see how well it does when the time comes and I have to enter some new passwords.