Monthly Archives: February 2002

Nothing like food poisoning / stomach flu to make you realize how good you have it when your body is running normally. Let’s just say that I had extreme gastrointestinal discomfort. And nausea. And general achiness.

I would rather drink Lapsang Souchong than be this sick ever again.

My weekend was pretty good, having spent it mainly in Baltimore and someplace called, “Crofton.” It was the great Katsucon outing of 2002. Yes, I’m a con-goer. It’s like going to a foreign country. The clothes are strange, everyone’s speaking a different language, and you’re paying eight dollars and fifty cents for a ham and cheese sandwich. Ah, travel!

Current Status: In recovery
Current Diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast

Thank goodness I’m back home. After another long weekend of no sleep, I can finally get myself back on track. All I have to say now is thank god for three day weekends.

After yesterday’s bout with Lapsang Souchong, I have decided to start this evening with a bit of Lady Grey tea. A delightful, smoother, lighter version of Earl Grey that I find quite refreshing after work. Yes. I am a tea sipping pansy. Yes, I realize that I have described a tea as “delightful.”

I’m gonna play some Halo.

Discovery of the Day: Lapsang Souchong. Worst. Tea. Ever.


Think beef jerky. Then think pine tar. Then think fake electric train smoke. Then, finally, add ass.


That pretty much sums up the Lapsang Souchong tea experience. I may keep the box, use it to end dates quickly and effectively. I actually have a headache right this moment merely from the smell of the stuff. Good lord. The horror. . . I am going to do my best to blank this out of my memory. My God. This stuff is horrible. I cannot stress this enough. Do not, under any circumstances, no matter how much you want to try it, no matter how much it begs to be drunk–do not prepare the vile stuff.

Am I making myself clear? I’m not holding back here, I’m telling you my true feelings for this, this abomination of nature. I don’t know what this stuff is, but it certainly is not tea. It’s got to be something else.

Something evil.

Welcome to the State of Consciousness
Est. 28 hours ago.

And counting. Noticing inability to focus.