Monthly Archives: February 2002

Tonight. The Debut I’m betting on it being extremely relevant to me. Although I do count myself fortunate that my parents never forced me into a profession. Unlike a lot of my friends. For my parents, the drive to succeed did not override personal freedom. Love your children, the success will follow. As opposed to, nag your children, they will succor you just to make you happy. A lot of my friends have done this, and they are miserable.

Everything seems to be losing relevance for me lately. I’m not too concerned about that, I know everything is a cycle.

Back into the weekly routine. Yes, that was made with the GameBoy Camera, Photoshop, and a bout with creativity that I appear to have lost.

It’s still cold outside. Fortunately, I make a pretty good cup of tea. Or, at least–I hear tell.

Ah. February. Time for cold, cold wind that cuts through your two layers of wool, your fleece, and leaves your face stinging. The insides of my cheeks were cold when I tested them with my tongue. That, my friends, is cold. Right now, I’m winding down for bed. Catching up on some correspondence. I’m working on a neat project right now, but I don’t think that I’ll share too much about it. I’ll just let it reveal itself in time.

Krassie’s doing a lot better than I had anticipated. Everytime I talked to her on the phone, she sounded really tired. I think we were timing our conversations according to her medication schedule. ExplodingCat and I brought her dinner from Med Deli, which was wonderful. I never had their soups before. Fantastic. With the pita chips–don’t get me started.

I took pics of her “little baggie” connected to her pericardial sac and part of the anterior lung (I think). She said that the fluid was “fruit punch” colored at first. Now it’s “mango” colored.

My opinion–if something is coming out of your body, you’re probably in trouble if it’s “ecto cooler” colored.

In summary: Krassie’s in high spirits and doing just fine. ExplodingCat’s tired as all hell–and can’t eat a damn thing.

Now listening: Trance Top 40. Shoutcast rules. Bringing the world closer together. That’s what this internet is about. And why is music so much better abroad?