StarCraft II, have you seen the screenshots? I mean, you’ll know the one I’m talking about. It’s the one with the Zerg. Pardon me.
The Zerg.
Thankfully, I’m not the only one that thinks it’s been too long. I think Blizzard puts it best.
Thank god for the Koreans, I don’t think this would have happened without their devotion to StarCraft as an E dash Sport. It’s serious business over there.
Here’s to 2009, when we get to play it. Let’s hope I’m wrong again.
Decided to stop by your site and see what was up in the world of P…um, L…yeah, PL. Then I saw this entry. Holy Mother of God. Glen, Christine (Glen’s daughter), and I LOVE to play Starcraft. I can’t wait to show them this one…