Monthly Archives: February 2009

Total number of DS units: 3, no wait, 4

The Nintendo DSi is something I’m very interested in.  Not only is it another Nintendo Handheld DS, bringing my total to ridiculous, but it brings an app store to the table, something I think that would work very well on the DS.

It does work very well for the PSP, but there needs to be more on offer.

Like the entire catalog of PSP games, for starters.

But back to the DSi.  It’s quite different from the two other iterations of the DS.  It’s thinner, for starters.  There’s also a new OS.  The two screens are larger now by a quarter inch each.  Two VGA cameras, one on the hinge and one on the outer face now adorn the case.  These have been used for a photo manipulations application on the Japanese model, but if they’ll be utilized for games in the future is anyone’s guess.  WiFi capabilities (hello WPA) have been enhanced, or rather brought up to date.  An SD card slot has been added, which is how I’m assuming the app store will work.  I guess Nintendo learned their lesson from the Wii.

Dear Nintendo:  Don’t offer an application store if your device does not have sufficient storage to handle more than 35 apps.   I’m just saying.

Backwards compatibility for GameBoy Advance games, is gone.  So those other two models aren’t quite obsolete just yet.  It’s not that they took it out per se, but they did remove the GBA slot, so it’s more of a physical limitation than the hardware is incapable of it.  I’m not going to miss it.

That’s wha the GBA Micro is for.

The system firmware can finally be upgraded, which can be both a blessing and a curse.  Patching is something I really don’t need in my handheld gaming, but seeing as how the previous DS only supports WEP encryption for WiFi, I’ll take the ability to update firmware over none.

The DSi is scheduled to be stateside on April 5th, in black and blue models, for $170.  I’ll post something once I get my hands on one.

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I favor the 50mm when I’m shooting portraits with the D70, mainly because it’s fast.  I do have a tendency to shoot wide open, which sometimes leads to some focusing issues, but then I’ve learned to compensate for that.  At least for now.  Shooting the 50mm with a DX format camera means I’m shooting at 75mm equivalent after the 1.5x multiplier.

75mm means I don’t have to be right in my subject’s face if I’m shooting portraits.  I’m a good comfortable distance away, and I can chat without feeling like I’m invading personal space.  Right now, I’m waiting on an 18-55mm VR (Vibration Reduction) lens that I’m hopeful will act like a good walk around lens.

Wide enough so I don’t have to constantly mind my distance if I want to take a crowd shot, but enough zoom for me to get in close if I need to.  The VR should in theory allow me to shoot with longer exposures without too much camera shake, which should allow me to shoot indoors without flash and without a tripod.  This is all conjecture on my part, although the research I’ve done on this particular lens seems to indicate that it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for if I just want to walk around and shoot.


Home again, home again

I did some photography this weekend, and I’m happy with the way things turned out.  I’m remembering a lot of things that I used to do with 35mm film. This time, I’ve got a better flash and I’m still learning about exposure both with it and without it.

The D70 is becoming more and more an extension of my hand and eye, and I’m getting eerily familiar with the menus.

It really is about capturing time.  But I have to make time to learn how to capture it effectively.


Is going to destroy me.

I spent way too much time editing the “stealth concept” article.  So, visit and be sure to listen to the podcast.

Those guys are great.

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Also, Happy Valentine's Day

Or something sappy like that.

I’d participate, but I’ve yet to get chocolate March 14th.

So it’s kind of vicious cycle.