Monthly Archives: March 2012

Geek chic

20120308-001951.jpgI am in the process of finding a suitable jacket to attach this badge to.

I have one in mind so far.

I just need to decide on a mounting method, since the back of the badge has hooks for hook and loop.


At the allergist, where I am trapped for the next thirty minutes.

To be fair, this is to be certain that I don’t go into anaphylaxis.

Just found out it’s going to be about ninety dollars a month for shots.

I’ll have to budget that in for next month.


We tried

Went to the movies with Isabelle.

Tried, in any case. Continue reading

Beyond money

I have learned that you cannot, in fact, walk into an apple store, slap a thousand dollars on one of their fine wooden tables, and preorder an iPad.

They will, in a professional manner and with utmost courtesy, direct you to the website, where preorders closed two days ago.

They will then recommended that you stop by the store on the 16th, launch day, with your cash in hand.

Which doesn’t seem like a recommendation so much as an, “I dare you to.”

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Best effort

20120310-195733.jpgI know I cannot keep a restaurant open single handedly.

But I can try.