I blame the Jaeger shots.
I blame the Jaeger shots.
So this is a new this is a new thing.
Wifi on the 176. It’s nice because I can use the kindle fire while on the train, and make entries this way.
Just passed Baltimore. I’m in business class. Hopefully I will meet upwith folks Ianthe cafe car once we get on our way.
It is a constant surprise to me, just how many places I have wifi access. Like Union Station.
Right now, in a gate, waiting on the train to be ready.
I’m not ready, I feel like I’ve made a poor luggage choice and now my shoulder is paying for it.
But you learn.
I am a little concerned for the people that do not look like they are going to PAX. They may be in for quite a ride.
So I started playing Journey on the PS3, which was the reason I updated it in the first place.
It’s hard to explain, but it’s compelling and its two player anonymous cooperative play is extraordinarily so. There’s no communication between the players and you can just walk away if you want to.
Most people I’ve accompanied have been taking the same journey, just sort of walking along and discovering the world at the same time I am. It’s rather compelling. You don’t talk. The most communication you have is a simple tap of the button that makes a symbol appear over your head, accompanied by a short musical note.
It hurts my head thinking about how someone would even begin to write something like this.
Scene 1: There is a mysterious red robed Figure sitting in the desert. The Figure stands. The camera pans upward, revealing The Mountain.
Overall, anyone that has a PS3 should play Journey, it’s that good.
It will be about a two hour trip, but it is worth it.