Tag Archives: 360

Small World: Dead Space Review, Part I

So. I have two pieces of a triptych hanging in my bedroom. It’s a small piece, something I really enjoy. It’s blue, mainly and it goes well with the wall color.  This has something to do with Dead Space.


I’ve finished Dead Space and I’m on my second playthrough, and while I’m doing that, I’m thinking about how it does a lot of things right, how it brings innovation to a stale genre, and how the survival horror experience can be enhanced as a social activity.

First the game is fun.  There are a lot of elements to this, but first and foremost, the game is a good time.  It grabbed me from the beginning with the cold opener, with Isaac and the crew of the Kellion quickly realizing the straightforward repair mission is turning into something bad. The story, while nothing groundbreaking or thought provoking, is on par with a good science fiction suspense movie.

The UI.  I don’t really talk about the user interface in games.  Mainly I’m a happy person if the UI is out of the way, or subtle in some fashion so it doesn’t detract from the gameplay or the immersion of the title.  I’m going to say this now, when I saw that they were telling the story through the user interface, that was the moment when I decided I was going to purchase Dead Space.  It’s a singular moment, early on in the game where one of your fellow crewmembers contacts you over the radio.  In typical sci fi fashion, this is a video call.  In atypical video game fashion, it’s part of the UI.

Isaac is wearing a RIG, which simply, is a “space suit.”  The RIG has a holographic UI, so whenever Isaac needs to access anything in game, it projects a hologram into the world so he can see it.  This is hard to explain, but is incredibly awesome once you see it in action.  An innovation in storytelling immersion that really only works here in the space horror genre, but very well done and executed in Dead Space.

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Street Fighter IV accessories

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I’m going to see how many times I can say, “surprise” in the first ten seconds.  Here’s the Tournament Edition Fightstick for Street Fighter IV.

It’s rather large.  I’ve been sitting on this video for a while, I actually got the stick a week before Street Fighter IV dropped at my place, so I was using it to play Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix on the 360.

Actually using it to play SFIV is amazing, and I feel like I’m back at the Yellow Brick Road in Mission Valley on a Friday afternoon with the rest of Honors English IV.

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Untoten, Nacht de

Call of Duty: World at War was another World War II game.

I know, everytime I say I’m done with World War II as a setting, they come out with another WWII game and I pick it up.  This one, I picked up because it was on sale, and it has a cooperative game mode wherein you fight an unending horde of zombies until you are overwhelmed.

There is no “winning” this mode.  Eventually the undead will outnumber you and you can’t hold them back any longer.


Isn't Broken Anymore

I have to say, I’m very impressed with the Resident Evil 5 Demo.

Impressed that it took CAPCOM five whole iterations of this franchise to realize that their control scheme was broken, and finally fixed it.

Downloaded the demo on the 360, and to be honest, was not expecting too much. However, once I got into playing the demo I found something I didn’t expect: decent controls. Continue reading


Dear Microsoft

Please, please please release Metal Wolf Chaos as an xbox originals download for the 360.


And I agree completely with offworld on this.  Easily my dark horse candidate for game of the year, whichever year that Microsoft gets around to releasing it.

How this never made it to the United States is way beyond me.  I think, on the whole, that it may have been too high concept for American audiences.  There’s just no appreciation for the fine artistry and contextual subtlety that composes a game like Metal Wolf Chaos.

Ha.  Subtlety.

I mean for gods sakes, it’s the POTUS* in a giant robot suit kicking ass and destroying everything.

What part of that does not say, “AMERICA” in all caps?  Which of course may or may not be followed by “WHATEVER-EXPLETIVE-YOU-DEEM-APPROPRIATE YEAH!!”

So anyway, yeah, Microsoft, bring it on.

* True story:  I worked in the State Department for six months before I learned what this meant.  Pronounced, “poh-tuss.”
