Tag Archives: music

The appeal of Rock Band

Rock Band, appeals because of its cooperative gameplay.  You can play just one instrument, but that isn’t the point.  In all, it is when you are in a room with three other people, performing a song is where the game truly comes into its core experience.

Yeah, we rocked out again tonight.

I’m hoping for groupies at some point.

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Speaking of sequels

Just checked on my order status, looks like Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (or more simply, Ouendan 2) is on its way over to me from the Mysterious Far Reaches of Asia. That and Rhythm Tengoku.

Both are classified as rhythm action games, a niche for which I have a little bit of an itch.

You know, I wrote that out and I can’t believe I’m hitting the “Publish” button anyway.

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