Tag Archives: travel

On returning

Stepping off the plane at BWI, onto the tarmac, I was reminded of the feeling of coming home.  I literally felt what it’s like to be back home.  The air was thicker, and I felt like I was stepping into an invisible curtain.

That’s right, humidity.

Coming back from Lynden and San Diego had me unprepared for the type of weather that welcomed me back to the DC area.  Today is another one of those days when I look at the weather report and start to wonder why I’m here.

Then I look around my office and go, “Oh.  Right.”


Shoujocon Part Deux

Well, be it ever so humble. . . Yes, I’m back. pictures from the con are here. Sorry about the quality about most. What can you expect from the aiptek camera. It does what it’s supposed to do. Nothing fancy like megapixels, but you get the gist. Which is better than memory, as far as I’m concerned.

But it was worth it. Well, maybe not the con, but making new friends and renewing friendships with the ones you already have are worth the trip up. It’s times like these where I make the resolution to go up and visit people without the excuse of a con.

I do regret one thing, and that is the fact that I didn’t get to spend as much time as I would have liked in New Jersey. That, and my lack of a decent Larva costume.

“mad props” to Carmel, Jackie, Adnan, and Tung for the “hookups” this weekend. You’ll see some of their handiwork in the pictures. Some interesting moments from the weekend include:

Hotohori and Chichiri’s cosplay kiss — Gun Buster drinking game — Bar B Q @ Carmel’s — New World Manga — Weak dealer room — One person asking for a picture — cosplayers — Jackie’s mom’s manicotti — Adnan’s scrambled eggs — Special, SPK and the GahtBustah! — Finding the rest of the Brawl cards —

Still haven’t seen the entire Final Fantasy movie, and I’m a bit bitter about that. Read a few reviews that trash the movie because it wasn’t convincing enough. I wasn’t expecting oscar material. It’s not oscar material. What it is, is a fun movie, something interesting to watch. It’s not a live-action film. It’s a film. Better than tomb raider. As good as say, Blade Runner. Man, I’m gonna catch hell for that one. I’ll write more about it later, definitely.

Oh, hey, and Mikey–I miss you too.

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Gone to Shoujocon. Be back later with pictures and such. No, really, I promise. Don’t laugh, but I’m in some sort of Larva bastardization costume, complete with mask. No cloak. It’s hot out there.

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