Tag Archives: video games

Life Advanced

Well, I went to the mall and saw this:

(game boy ad: Life Advanced

Interesting, is it not? Advertising never ceases to amaze me. Yes, I own one, but it’s certainly not the second coming. I mean, this sign is at least, twenty feet tall. And what’s this bit about “life” being advanced? Please. I picked up Dodge Ball Advance today, and it’s just like the NES version, but better graphics. And it seems a bit slower, but it is a lot of fun.

And yes, I carry a digital camera around (one of three) wherever I go. They’re all cheap and disposable, and sub megapixel. Which is fine for my purposes. I’m not printing out any of these things, just taking memories composed of digital bits and reflected light.

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Ready for July 4th

The Fourth of July is tomorrow, and that means that it’s also a friend’s birthday. Well, happy birthday, Enrico.

In other news, I’m still playing Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Here’s a pic, courtesy the highest resolution black and white camera that Nintendo ever made available to the public for under ten dollars. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Game Boy Camera:

Dammit, let me sleep.

A couple of friends should be coming down this weekend. I’m looking forward to celebrating the 4th of July in air conditioned comfort. The last two years have been really, really bad. As in chew your air before you breathe it and don’t trample any children on your way home via the metro bad.

Well, I’d best be going, I’m wasting valuable Diablo time.

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