Tag Archives: zombies


I did enjoy Diablo and Diablo II.  I think I enjoyed them to the point where I actually wore out a mouse from clicking, which was probably the worst part of the Diablo titles.

On the other hand, I picked up Torchlight which is basically Diablo, right down to the Soundtrack, much more streamlined, and not as annoying.

But, I’m going to talk about Borderlands now, and the references to Diablo aren’t completely apparent until I talk about guns and equipment.

Borderlands has four classes, 50 levels, and about 87 bazillion guns.  The equipment is procedurally generated, so there’s no real set list of equipment, merely modifiers for elemental types of damage, manufacturer, type of gun, magazine size, burst fire rate, melee damage bonuses—the list goes on, but you can see how you would end up with lots and lots of different guns.

Borderlands is so much fun that I have beat it.  And gone back to play it again on the harder difficulty.  I have 90% of the Achievements for it for the Xbox 360 version, including the ones for the Zombie Island DLC.  That almost never happens.  I’m also playing it again on the PC with some friends who only got the PC version.  So it’s kind of embarrassing how much I’ve been playing this game.

It does not have the most critical acclaim for the best story, nor game mechanics, nor the graphics.  What it does have is solid, fun, and engaging gameplay.  It’s well put together.  To be honest, I think they could have gone back and actually touched the main character’s back stories a lot more.  It’s just that once the main storyline starts, it’s just a rollercoaster ride because you finish quests quickly, and often.

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More Zombies

Call of Duty: World at War is adding another zombie map via downloadable content.  It’s only one map for zombies, but it looks like they’ve listened to the audience and added Perks-a-Cola machines so that we can have perks (special abilities earned in multiplayer).



The Wii is Family Friendly

I watched Grindhouse.

Yes, both movies.  Although I did prefer Rodriguez’s Planet Terror to Quentin’s Sex in the City Deathproof.

That said, I think that the trailer for House of the Dead: Overkill is a joy to watch.

Best line of the trailer:

They’ve come for brains.  You will give them. . .  Bullets.

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