Oh hoh yay! I'm working again! *blink* Wait. . .

For many of us, this is the first workday of two-thousand three, or “two-kay three” as we’ll come to fondly reminisce over it. It’s back to our offices, deleting spam from our inboxes and checking voice mail before surfing the internet and getting the occasional bit of work done before knocking off early and doing what we want to do on our free time. Right now, it’s time to catch up with people I haven’t seen (either on line or in “meat space”–the real world, RL, etc.) in over a year.

The New Year ™ came and went, not with a bang, but with a whimper–which was fine for me. Low key celebrations where you can just sit and talk with friends are just fine for me. I did however, regret that I could not split myself into several different copies and then distribute them to the five different celebrations that were occurring that night. This glut of parties happening on the same day makes me want to campaign for a New Year’s Week where the numerous parties can be spread out over the course of seven days, after which there would be a nationwide “Work Ditch Week” to deal with the inevitable week long hangover. Again, like most of my ideas, I would like to remind people that they are good mainly in theory.

Resolutions made: Zero. (0) However, I put serious consideration into purchasing a 24″ television next month. I couldn’t decide between the 20″ and the 27″, so I split the difference. What does this have to do with the New Year? Absolutely nothing.

On the other hand, I’m thinking about making 2003 the “Year of the Documentary.” I’ve got all of these cameras just laying around, I might as well start using them. All of you, consider this a fair warning. I’m just saying, is all. An example: By accident, my camera went off in my bag and recorded the sound of me quitting my retail job. It’s pretty interesting, except the forty-five other minutes (it took me two minutes to quit my job) are of me riding the metro. Forty-five minutes of the Voice of the Metro saying, “Doors closing” followed by chimes.



Drinks imbibed: About three, I think. I’m really liking the Blue Hawaiian. Shot of light rum. Shot of dark rum. Shot of blue curacao. Shot of Pina colada mix. Pineapple juice, lots. Somewhere around there, you add ice and stir or shake to your liking, I really don’t remember. On the drink front, I think I’ve gotten closer to perfecting the mango martini. I think more experiments have to be performed. I also need test subjects.