Monthly Archives: January 2002

Let’s see here. In scant three hours, I will have been up for twenty-four hours. Long day today. Not “long” as in a workday long. But one of the long days that you wish would not end because you’re having such a good time.


I might as well get started on Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault.

Things I learned last night:
RackhamRose’s sewing skills are l33t.
Rez is one damn hypnotic game when played on a one hundred inch screen.

Er, woke up late for anime. Now I have to get up in time for “work” tomorrow. A lot of you make fun of me for this “job” I have. Admittedly, I only work four hours a week at this job.

That doesn’t mean that it’s okay for you to make “sarcastic quotation marks” every time you hear me talk about it. Nor is it okay to roll your eyes when I mention I “have” to go to work. I have to go all the way to Pentagon City and sit behind the counter at Electronics Boutique. I mean, that’s pretty difficult. For FOUR HOURS! And I have to talk about games all the time! All the time! I have to tell people what to buy, and I have to watch when they buy games that suck.

Ahhh. . . Text messaging:

The following conversation has been copied verbatim. It was held between a skytel t900 and a Nextel phone. It starts with me waking up in bed to the sound of a message arriving.

quixcell: U at au?
877613: actually, your page just woke me up. i’m @ home. @_@
quixcell: Oops! Sorry, come to my room! Check this out!
877613: that would mean getting out of bed. can’t you point a webcam at it or something?

Keep in mind–quixcell is one of my housemates.

Current object of thirst slaking: Orangina
Current object of hunger pang removal: Chick Fil A
Current mood: Zzzzzzzz. . .

Ergh. Someone wake me up in time for anime. I’m sleepy.

Just remembered. The other day, I was walking in Dupont Circle, and I saw this man in a wheelchair trying to cross the street. Thing is, cars are blowing past the stop sign and not letting him cross for some reason. “That sucks,” I think to myself. I continue to walk until I find that he’s on the opposite side of the street from me. I start to cross, and this cab starts edging up on me. I start to slow my walk until I stop directly in front of the cab.

I look at the guy in the wheelchair. He looks at me and starts to cross as I stand in front of the cab. “Thanks man,” he says.

Point of the story is: Stupid Amelie movie.

My only saving grace is that I got to be a wiseass and do something nice at the same time.