Monthly Archives: January 2002

Mmmm. Target. Better than a box full of good things. Picked up the first issues of the Mangaverse. Good execution and art on some of the books. There are some that didn’t make the transition very well. Take the Xmen, for instance. Not very good at all. However, the Fantastic Four / Evangelion homage is really very stylistic, if very simplistic. None of the depth normally associated with Evangelion. But all of the giant robots you love.

Forgot my scarf at BajaFresh, I guess I have to go back tomorrow. Anyone up for a fish taco? Anyone?

Off to Target for no reason at all.

Joy! I have found a place to get fish tacos within the metropolitan area. And, by my standards, they’re pretty good. BajaFresh. Who’s up for a gastronomical journey? Who’s never had a fish taco before? Wha? No way. You’re kidding. Free your mind. They are pretty good. Or you may not like it. There’s no accounting for taste, right?

The risks are few. The rewards are great.

Introducing the great 2002 friend take out. Or something. Work with me here. So far, two people have taken advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Outback. Guapo’s. Steak. Margaritas.

I somehow have to make my way to Chicago. Sheer madness, I say. Utter madness.

Today: Clean room. Amelie. Bar Burgers. Pump It Up. Grocery Shopping. Just another day in my madcap jetsetting world. Oh yeah, you know you’re envious.