Daily Archives: October 4, 2007

Halo 3: Hilarity Ensues

After slogging through the disappointing single player game, (mostly via inertia from the cliffhanger ending of Halo 2) I have to say that the multiplayer aspect of Halo 3 is the “real” game that I paid money for.

While the single player game brings nothing new to the table, the fact that I can save my multiplayer replays is amazing.  My proposed subtitle for the multiplayer aspect of Halo 3 is the title for this post, and rightly so.

Replays are comedy gold.

That said, here’s my service record.  It’s the same granular statkeeping as Halo 2, which is say, obsessive.  But now it has screenshots from the match.

Which make great if sometimes embarrassing wallpaper.

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