So, in a complete and utter turnaround from what I had advised a friend, I am going to talk about my baking experience.
Short story. This morning, I realized that hanging in the banana hanger were just about to be overripe bananas. I also had a copy of How to Cook Everything.
I think you know how this goes. I write down what I need and then go to work.
A workday, dinner, one grocery run, a new loaf pan, and about an hour of prep later, I pop the pan into the oven with the realization that this may be my first banana bread. About thirty minutes in, the smell really starts to become apparent. It’s great.
Twenty minutes later, the toothpick is clean and it’s out of the oven. I’m waiting about fifteen minutes and then I’ve got a cooling rack ready.
Now I’m looking up beginner model stand mixers.
But maybe I should see how this turned out first.
Update: Delicious!