Monthly Archives: May 2010

A preview

28 September 1994

Some things are just too petty to have actually worried about, but I did.

It’s crazy.

But maybe I have gone too far. Let me explain. I have a time machine.  It’s just a bankers box, not too heavy.  It is filled with books and folders. The folders are filled with printouts. Some of them are dot matrix printouts, neatly stapled. The books are a ragtag bunch. Some are spiral bound notebooks and some are honest to goodness leather bound journals.

The interesting thing about this time machine is the labeling. On it, an earlier version of me has written, “Box o’Inspiration.” Then, below that in all caps, “USE ME, DAMMIT!” Then below that in smaller letters, perhaps as an afterthought, “Stop running away.”


I have been using this computer for several years, and this is the first time that I realize that I have named it, “Miranda.” I’m not sure what the reference is.

I’m betting it’s not the rights, however timely it may be. It’s probably not Miranda from the Tempest, as that does not follow any of the normal naming conventions that I have used in the past.

About the only reference I can think of is Miranda Lotto from D. Grey-Man. Which is a stretch. I was never really into the series, although I’m considering reading the manga.