Monthly Archives: June 2010

On portable computing

I’ve entertained the thought of a netbook or some sort of tablet device for a while now. Mainly, it would be something that I could use while at another computer, or in front of the television.

I’ve not spent a lot of time with a netbook, but I do like the small size and portability. Weight and form factors are my primary considerations. What I would like to do is browse the social sites from the safety and comfort of my chair and a half, or while cooking, look up recipes for bulgogi marinade instead of running back and forth between the kitchen and the 15″ MacBook on the dining table.

I’ve used Microsoft OneNote with a tablet and Windows 7, and while it was great for capturing my handwritten notes, I felt that purchasing the hardware and software would be cost prohibitive. This is a device that is meant to complement my traditional browsing and set it free from the traditional, “sitting at a desk” model, not be a primary content production device.

If I sit down to write, I prefer to be in front of a full size monitor and keyboard. Or on my Alphasmart NEO.

The iPad is right out, even though I am an OS X fan. An Android tablet, however, if priced right, could sway me that direction. The longer I wait, the better my options get, so choosing to do nothing may be the correct course of action. Or the correct course of inaction.


Of course, if I ever get a tablet device, I’m going to have to get a PADD (Personal Access Display Device) skin for it immediately so I can live in the Star Trek Future.

Today I. . .

  • Got up early, but not quite early enough and I missed the lunar eclipse as it dipped below the treeline. Ah well. Not like it wasn’t well documented.
  • Played the ukulele for a while and had a meal replacement drink.
  • Did laundry.
  • Drank some “not tea” with a lot of honey.
  • Watched a jail break movie with Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. (Toy Story 3) Was one of three people to started laughing immediately when they heard, “That’s a night in the box.”
  • Had lunch at the new Friendship Heights Whole Foods.
  • Took a two hour nap.
  • Rode the bus to Mandu and had jap-chae.
  • Took pictures of the sidewalk map of the solar system in Dupont Circle.
  • Found out that Larry’s Ice Cream doesn’t make malts. Was both surprised and disappointed.
  • Thought I wanted a banana smoothie, but ended up giving it away.
  • Had a cupcake.
  • Received a voice mail with singing.
  • Stuck the dollar bill that the smart trip machine wouldn’t take in the coin slot of a parking meter.

A Normal Day

Monday came and went and I ended up in the Emergency Room at Sibley.

About nine in the morning, I decided that I needed Claritin-D since it was a high pollen day. By ten, I was on an ambulance to Sibley. If you don’t need to hear the details, then you can probably skip the rest of the post. If you love details very much, then please go on.

On Monday, a pill got stuck in my throat, I went to the hospital, and three hours later it was cleared without intervention. Continue reading

Evelyn Evelyn Concert

Evelyn Evelyn at the 9:30 Club

Evelyn Evelyn perform at the 9:30 Club

It had been a while since I had been to the 9:30 club, so when Jason had a favorable review of Amanda Palmer’s ninja gig, I figured I had to go.

Jason and I met up at L’Enfant Plaza and met Jessica at Duffy’s around the corner from 9:30 for dinner and drinks before the show. Duffy’s is a hole in the wall with decent food. I am only marginally troubled by the fact that I left my roast beef sliders in their car after the concert. They were delicious. Continue reading

I saw CATS

Really, there’s not much to say. Other than I brought my AlphaSmart NEO and typed for the entire musical. Here’s are a few snippets of what I wrote during that period of time:

First cat enters the stage, and another and another. Ironically, there are birds chirping. People are doing what I suppose are cat like things are on stage, striking cat like poses.
Oh wait, one looks like Tygra from the Thundercats. This has promise.
No, forget about the promise I talked about just now, this is really awful. Really. Awfu–Oh my hip thrusting.
The reality is starting to actually hit me: I’m watching CATS and there is this oppressive sort of walling in I’m experiencing.

Annnnnnnnd more hip thrusting.I wonder if the other performers hate this guy. He’s a total douchecat.

So without further ado, CATS: the delayed liveblog stream of consciousness rant. It’s long, I’m warning you. For the “Too long; didn’t read” version, I give you this:

There are many reasons why it’s bad, dance numbers are too long, it feels dated, pompous, without substance, there is no story to speak of, and other than the costumes, there’s not much to it. Watch someone singing Memory on youtube and you’re done.

I didn’t like it, but now I feel qualified to use it as a metric when calling a musical, “bad.”

Next up is reading Twilight.

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