Monthly Archives: March 2012

Pretty excited

I’ve known about DC roller derby for a while now, but for one reason or another I never seem to make it to the Armory.

That changes this weekend.

Update: This is awesome.

Just a little test

I can test posting of entries from the kindle wordpress app. And get things ready for PAX East.

I figure that posting here will help keep things sane, instead of posting things on twitter that my followers would have no interest in.


The things that own you

For the first time in my life I own everything under my roof. And now I just want to get rid of all of it.

My Mass Effect

So, in a compellingly suave move as befits their standard operating procedures, EA has decided that for the foreseeable future, the PC versions of Mass Effect 3 will require Origin.

Even the brick and mortar versions.

My Steam copies of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, where Shepard (no BroShep) stands ready to take on the Reaper threat, suddenly rendered useless by my unwillingness to install a nascent digital distribution framework.

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Ah metro

Overheard on the metro,

Oh my god. When you’re in there at the right time of day, it’s like sitting in butter!

I don’t know about you, I mean my enjoyment of this situation this really depends on butter temperature.

Room temperature? Liquid? Rock solid straight from the refrigerator butter? These questions are important.

Additionally, this woman got up and I saw that she had Bruce Lee airbrushed on the back of her jacket.

Totally Boss.