Monthly Archives: August 2012

Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

I was at the allergist this morning. This is part of my weekly routine. I’m in my first year so there are still some surprises, like coming in to get my injections and finding out the office is closed every third Wednesday for a staff meeting. Most of the visits are fairly routine.

Not this morning. Continue reading


I’m in the allergist’s office when I realize I’ve left my phone on my desk, charging. “No problem,” I think as I pull out the tablet. Their waiting room has WiFi, so I will simply connect and get back to Twitter and gmail and path.

Then I notice that their connection is not letting me on.

I contemplate asking the receptionist about the WiFi, maybe a router just needs to be rebooted, a cable unplugged and plugged back in again.

but then I realize that sounds desperate, “You know, your internet doesn’t seem to be working, I can, you know, take a look at it.”

And then the full realization hits me.

I have just taken allergy shots, and I cannot leave here for thirty minutes. 

I will be without this link, this network, for a full thirty minutes.

And that thought is mildly terrifying.

Customer Service Experiment:

So I ordered a knife from

There are two reasons for this.

One, I love shopping.

Two, I love knives.

Although really, I was looking for another EDC knife to keep in my bag and keep me out of museums and airports forever.

But I received two of them, days apart, after I had made my initial order. So, instead of just keeping the knife, I wrote their customer service this email: Continue reading

The Nexus 7

She has arrived. And technically, I don’t know what this is going to be like. But so far, I’m enjoying the ability to pair my bluetooth keyboard to it already. There’s just something about the physical sensation of typing on a keyboard that isn’t the same with typing on a screen.

More of a review to follow in a week of use.