Monthly Archives: March 2002

Still Thinking About Blade 2

Blade 2 is the distilled, purest form of vampire ass kicking. Even better than the first one. Which, by itself was pretty good. That said. . .

Happy Easter everyone! I spent Easter eating so much that I had to skip dinner. Good company was had, friends from NYC.

“I think all the rest of this food is here to distract you from the seafood. That’s their weakness. That’s what you have to go for in this place. All of the eggs benedict, the italian sausage–none of that matters.”

And I’m mad because I didn’t get any ice cream tonight. Ah well.

I Didn't Think It Was Possible

To fit that much ass kicking into one movie. Blade 2 is absolutely a blast. So good, in fact that they may actually get my money again. Maybe again. Maybe one more time. A cinematic tour de force of vampire violence. I was shocked at how well CG is starting to blend with actual actors. They fight the way that anime vampires fight. Anime Martial Artist Vampire Robots! No, really. That good!

The Summer Wind

Well, it’s official. ExplodingCat and krasota are now moving to Charlottesville, as we speak. I wish them the best of luck. At the same time, I miss them already. I know they have to move for health reasons. It’s just so damn far. Everything is for the best, and it’s not like I can’t go down to Charlottesville and visit.

Besides, I haven’t been yet.

The usual suspects were in full force last night. I had a great time.

What ARE the Odds?

Test 1: I boot up machine. Insert Proprietary Storage Peripheral. Click on Peripheral Icon. Works. Turn off machine.
Test 2: I boot up machine. Insert WireLess LAN PC card. Surf Net. Works. Turn off machine.
Test 3: I boot up machine. Insert Proprietary Storage Peripheral. Click on Peripheral Icon. Works. Insert WireLess LAN PC card. Surf Net. Works. Turn off machine.

To Exec Assistant: “I’m ready for | INSERT NAME OF PRESIDENT, CHAIRMAN, DR., ETC. OF ORGANIZATION YOU WORK FOR |. Everything appears to be working.”

Attempt 1: He boots up machine. Inserts Peripheral. Clicks on Peripheral Icon. “Cannot be found.”

Unpleasant Pause.

Outer Monologue: “That’s strange. Let’s reboot and try that again.”

Don’t get me wrong. I love my job. It’s just the damn computers that don’t want to cooperate.

Maybe We Should Amend That. . .

On second review, I’m adding toiletries and personal grooming to the list of allowed items. So, to recap:

-Things I can put in my mouth and eat
-Personal Grooming Expenses (not clothes)