The snow was packed mostly in the street, but there were uneven spots that made me weary. I didn’t notice until he and I were passing each other. He was headed uphill, from the direction I had come. We passed within five feet of each other, silent.
His clothes were from a more civilized era. H’s wearing a waistcoat, tie, a proper hat and an overcoat. Also, galoshes.
I’m wearing a pair of North Face snow boots and jeans, my “comrade” hat and a parka.
What catches my eye is what he’s cradling in his arms.
A film camera, wrapped in leather, hanging directly from a small thin strap.
My hand subconsciously drops to my DSLR, hung to the side of my waist by a strap that goes across my chest.
I take a few more steps then turn around. He’s turned to look at me as well. I wave and he waves back.
“Enjoy!” I say.
He nods. “I will.”