Monthly Archives: December 2003


I’m sitting here ripping a bossa nova compilation, because it’s kitschy and fun, when I realize–this is the music that I remember my mom listening to.

So now, I’m just about to put it on the iPod and OH MY GOD I’M TURNING INTO MY MOTHER.

Another temporal milestone

I just finished off a box of 120 dryer sheets. For the record, these are Bounce brand dryer sheets, and they are free of perfumes and dyes. Now the trick is figuring out how long a box of 120 dryer sheets is. I think on the next box I’ll mark the date.

The Return of Moviemaking

I watched Return of the King last night, and I have to say, this is the way to make movies.

Receipts make the man

I was filing away my web invoices, when I stopped to look at them. I purchased three things in the last week:

  • Donkey Konga: a rhythm action music game imported from Japan for the Nintendo GameCube that features a conga drum controller
  • Tickets to Lord of the Rings: Return of the King the day it comes out
  • 1000 ft. of cat-5e ethernet cable, with a crimper and 100 RJ-45 connectors

I tried to rationalize any one of these purchases.

“Well, it’s imported from Japan, so it’s never going to come out here. Music games are genre of video gaming that American culture isn’t ever going to understand. I’m soooo indie.”

“Well, lots of people like the Lord of the Rings movies. Decent people with families and everything.”

“Well, I need 1000 feet of networking cable because. . .”

Needless to say, I failed miserably.

These are the receipts of a nerd.

Most Documented Year. . . Ever

Going through iPhoto, I started to put together a “best of” collection of all of the snapshots that I’ve taken this year. I noticed a lot of things.

I take a lot of pictures. There’s at least one image each month.

I see the things that I’ve done, and the people that I’ve spent time with. There are people I don’t see anymore, and people that I don’t see as often. I find that certain people are missing from the album, people that I feel that I should have pictures of.

There are things I need to do again. There are also things that I should never, ever do again–well, maybe on my next birthday.

I see, for the first time, a tangible, personal progression of one year’s time.

It is what a year means to me.