Monthly Archives: January 2009

Dear Microsoft

Please, please please release Metal Wolf Chaos as an xbox originals download for the 360.


And I agree completely with offworld on this.  Easily my dark horse candidate for game of the year, whichever year that Microsoft gets around to releasing it.

How this never made it to the United States is way beyond me.  I think, on the whole, that it may have been too high concept for American audiences.  There’s just no appreciation for the fine artistry and contextual subtlety that composes a game like Metal Wolf Chaos.

Ha.  Subtlety.

I mean for gods sakes, it’s the POTUS* in a giant robot suit kicking ass and destroying everything.

What part of that does not say, “AMERICA” in all caps?  Which of course may or may not be followed by “WHATEVER-EXPLETIVE-YOU-DEEM-APPROPRIATE YEAH!!”

So anyway, yeah, Microsoft, bring it on.

* True story:  I worked in the State Department for six months before I learned what this meant.  Pronounced, “poh-tuss.”


The New Era

And now he’s President.

But do indulge me a moment.  It wasn’t that long ago.  It was a different job at a different place and I had the chance to meet the man that would become President.

I shook his hand.

I called him, “Senator” then, because that’s what he was.  I asked him to sign my nametag, and while he did, I said, “I believe in your message.”  And he stopped signing my nametag and looked me in the eye and thanked me.  He finished signing and was whisked out the door by Secret Service.

He seems a pretty stand up guy.  And I was not lying.  I did, well, rather do believe in the message.  The message of hope and change, of self empowerment as a nation.

I did not believe however, that he would become President.

For once, I’m glad that I was wrong.

Eve of

It is an important day tomorrow.

We’re moving forward, inexorably, relentlessly, almost painfully.

But it’s still forward.

Now, if only we could get this whole separation of church and state thing worked out.

Out of the city

I haven’t been out of the house to see if anything’s different.  This is the first outing, but I’m not downtown, so I don’t expect much.

Heading the exact opposite of downtown, in fact.

I just don’t really know what to think about the whole event.  History is unfolding, yes, but I can’t help but be sort of removed.

I’m actually more concerned about how cold it is outside.

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The strangest thing.

You close your eyes.

You lose consciousness.

And when you wake, you think everything is okay just because you woke up in your own bed, and everything is familiar.  Nothing strange about passing out for six to eight hours because you were, “sleeping.”

So strange.
