Monthly Archives: February 2010

I would have to try

I think to myself, how stereotypical it is.  A six pack of bottled beer in one hand and a pizza in the other.  I also think of how the city is very much not the way it usually is.  Snow piled up taller than most people.  Ice over a foot thick that I commute over.  For most of my meals I’ve been cooking since I haven’t left the building.  But now, tonight, I’m done with cooking and it’s time for some pizza and beer.

And I’m okay with that.

Turn to Page 4

When I was young, I had a preference for the choose your own adventure series.  There were others, like the Time Machine, and Car Wars, but I always remember this time as the time of books that were innovative.  Books that tried to be more than just stories, but more engaging somehow to the younger reader than a static path through the same book.  There was choose your own adventure and the variants, but then there was the books with actual computer programs in them that you had to debug or hack in order to get to a positive outcome.  I still have fond memories of those.

But the Choose Your Own Adventure books were the first.

Of course, I ended up just flipping through them each time and then reading all the grisly ways your character (and in effect you) would end up dead.

With nearly all the endings, you end up dead, or in some horrible situation.  They were remarkably grisly for their age bracket.  I wonder if my parents would have bought so many for me if they knew how often I would end up washed away by a flash flood, eaten by sharks or woken up by the boa constrictor around my neck.

Executive decision

A light melts snow on a bench at Van Ness UDC

Bench Melting Snow

I think I may drop the 75mm focal length from the project.  Or I really need to rethink how I use it.  I have previously used it as a portrait lens, with great success.  75mm gets close without me actually being literally in the subject’s face.  I have shot in outdoor, well lit situations where I’ve got plenty of room to move around to use “human zoom.”

In those situations, I’ve gotten great results.  On daily walkabout, I only have a few moments to take a picture of something, and by the time I notice something, I can’t really take five steps back to frame it the way I want.

I may move to the 35mm this month, earlier than scheduled.  I think that I’ve learned enough from the two weeks with the 75mm, that the experiment was a success, but I really should have scheduled portrait photography if I was going to use it all month.  I may try to use it for closeup macro work in a light box.

That’s a dedicated day, though.


The boots I have are black, heavy, with a rubber bottom layer that keeps my feet dry when that puddle is actually six inches deep when I think it’s three inches deep.  They are heavy and I have to wear the thicker socks with them, otherwise they start to cause chafing around my ankles from the support they provide.

Getting in to them is a hassle, since I can’t bend my ankles much when I’m in them.  Getting into them is a process.  First I take a knee to get in the first one, lace and tie them, then I stand up, step into the second boot, and take another knee to lace and tie the other one.  Once I start walking in the snow and Ice, I’m glad I have them on.  Although typically by the end of the walk I’m glad for the other shoes I keep at the office.  Then at the end of the day I repeat the process from morning.

In all, I’m glad I bought them on sale over a year ago, but they are a pain in the ass and impact the daily routine by adding minutes to getting ready to leave.

My snow boots: just another reason why I can’t wait for this snow to be done with.

Special circumstances

The blizzard has certainly affected things I didn’t think it would affect.  One of the things it has affected has been my shooting schedule.  I initially wanted to stick to the 50mm lens, but with all of the snow, I feel like everything I can’t capture the total profundity of the situation without placing it in context.

Thus, all the wide shots.  And it is slightly overwhelming to think of all the other ways it is affecting my life.

I took a cab back in to the city today and it was insane.  I think I saw plowed snow taller than most people I know.  And some even taller than the tallest people I know.  The worst part about the snow banks are the fact that they typically are the highest at the intersections, right were pedestrians need to cross the street.

They are there, and don’t seem to be going anywhere until Spring comes and it all thaws out to cause flooding somewhere.  I’m not looking forward to that.

Grocery stores still are not fully stocked, which is going to be a problem as I’m running out of food to make.

As I got home, I saw people still digging out their cars.  The problem is, they are running out of places to put snow.

And now comes Monday’s weather report with more snow in the forecast.