Monthly Archives: March 2012

Happy Friday!

Finished Mass Effect 3 and Journey this past week. It’s been a good catchup week but to be fair, Journey was very short.

Mass Effect 3 on the other hand, was very long. And I even took the short route, not doing all the sidequests.

I have my own take on the controversial ending and that’s coming soon once I have digested my own thoughts.

Journey was a great, short, satisfying, and deeply thoughtful experience that I can recommend to anyone.

Those thoughts are also forthcoming.

Every Freaking Time

I think to myself,

Oh wow, there’s something interesting to play that’s exclusive to the PS3!

I’ll go home and start it up, only to realize that I need to update the firmware because I never turn the damn thing on except to play that one exclusive every six months.

I guess that’s a first world problem.


The Dark Horse Phone

I recently upgraded my phone and switched providers.

I stuck with Nokia, considering my E71 lasted me for three years and counting. It still works now, but just recently started to exhibit strange charging behavior.

Three years is a good long time to have a phone. I’m hoping that the Lumia 710 will last the same amount of time and I’ll get the same utility out of it. With the new phone comes Windows Phone 7.5, and that means for the first time in recent memory, I have an honest to goodness smartphone with a capacitive touch screen.

I’ve only accidentally dialed people from my address book about five times now.

In terms of providers I switched over to T-Mobile since there was a $30 a month 100 minute, 5GB of data before throttling plan. That seemed to fit my usage pattern, so I was happy with that. I had to buy my phone outright, but in about six months that should have paid for itself with savings derived from my monthly fee. I used to pay $80 a month so this is a significant reduction in what I was paying before.

It’s like half a guitalele a month.

I have to admit, I’m a little hesitant about the Windows Phone OS. The Windows Marketplace isn’t as robust as Google Play or the App Store.

On the other hand, I have a phone that can stream Spotify, get my calendars and email, send and receive text messages, browse the web, download my Kindle purchases, get my shopping done on Amazon in a pinch, and keep me up to date with Twitter.

And that’s all I really use my phone for.

Mass Effect 3

Right now, I have to say that Mass Effect 3 is amazing. Now, to be very vague, Shepard has done some things. She’s witnessed the invasion of earth. She’s said goodbye to comrades. She’s sought solace in the arms of one of her crew mates.

She’s having very disturbing dream sequences.

This is a game that is really laying on the gravitas. Continue reading

Perchance to breathe

Tried to take a nap the other day. Did not wear my CPAP.

Turns out it really does work. I woke myself up more often than not, but I still managed to get some rest.

Just surprised.