JPL: God dammit Fil. me: WAT JPL : I was just going to check on my portal. Like really quick me: 30 minutes later... JPL : Now it is half an hour later and I have another portal. JPL : I NEED TO GO HOME FIL me: NO JPL, THE ENLIGHTENED NEED YOU. JPL : I HAVE A WIFE. FURRY KIDS. me: THIS IS THE FATE OF THE WORLD, JPL. WHAT WORLD WILL THEY HAVE IF YOU DON'T FIGHT FOR THEM? JPL : I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS WAR. me: NOBODY DID! BUT NOW WE'RE IN IT. ALL OF US. JPL : breaks down sobbing
It’s true… we’re all caught up in this war, whether we want it or not. Your wife will understand… we can’t let the Alliance…err…Resistance win. Don’t let Serenity Valley happen again!