No, it’s not the Apple Watch

Probably the best benefit from the Apple Watch announcement is the price drops for older Android Wear devices.
I am trying a Moto 360 out with my brother, we shall see if the 12 hour battery life gets to me, or if I feel like the benefits are worth babysitting a watch for battery life.
Supposedly some folks have been able to get two days. As a user of the watch for 48 hours, I have not seen that to be the case. I wear it upon waking in the morning, and I’m not comfortable that it will make it to happy hour after work.
It is wireless charging, and I do have some Qi chargers laying about, so that may help some of my issues with it.
Right now, my initial reaction:
It’s fun to talk to your wrist and send texts. Or set an alarm while you’re doing laundry, or remind yourself to do something while walking to the metro. For me, since I am first and foremost a pedestrian, I can see the appeal. Voice recognition is about as accurate as voice recognition gets, which is to say 90% of the time it’s pretty good and my message gets across.
But the battery life and the size are the things that I am not completely sold on.
Honestly, it’s too large for my wrist, as seen in the picture above. But my plan is to convert into a leather-bound pocket watch for when I cannot have a futuristic watch on my wrist.
That is to say, during the Steampunk World’s Fair.