Tag Archives: video games

Roll your own

I have a box of books from my mother here, and it’s mostly filled with Choose Your Own Adventure books.  They’re really interesting, mainly because they’re written in the second person.  That is, they always address, “you.”

Which is of course, similar to how Interactive Fiction has to be written.  They are games, in a way, although in book form.  It’s like a puzzle, but really written so that you’ll be encouraged to try different paths.  Of course, being a paperback book, you inevitably end up on the same path every now and again.

There are the straight up, “Choose Your Own Adventure” but I also had a few of the “Time Machine” books where you went back in time to observe or repair the past.  Of course, if you went back to observe, you always ended up having to repair the past anyway.  Looking at the Wikipedia entry I realize now that those books are old.

I know people younger than those books.

But they’re fun reads, and it’s nice to be able to revisit them, although the plots are simplistic and they’re sparse on details.  A lot of the “choices” wind up on the same two or three paths.  Of course, the same complaints can be made about video games today.  No matter what the medium, the ability to give an interactive participant real choices with real consequences is always going to be limited by the story they are trying to tell.

And ultimately the story is what is going to make me put up with these artificial choices.  As long as the story is compelling, I will overlook being railroaded into one or two paths.

Of course with video games, there’s the added impetus of whether or not the game is fun or not.  Books have the equivalent of whether or not it’s fun to read, but considering these have all been written for around the fifth grade reading level, they’re not so engaging anymore.

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Ruined Techno for me, forever

The Nintendo DS is not considered a musical instrument.

There are music games, yes, and there was the brilliant in concept but flawed in execution Jam Sessions guitar simulator for the DS.  (Full disclosure:  I spent about two weeks just trying to play Jonathan Coulton’s RE: Your Brains.  It’s just too unwieldy on a directional control pad and a strum bar on the touch screen.)

The KORG DS-10 Synthesizer for the Nintendo DS is exactly what it says it is.  It is not a title for a KORG Synthesizer based game for the DS.  It is, in fact, a synthesizer and sequencer for the DS.

I’m going to let that sink in for a second.

It’s not a musical instrument simulator of any sort, it’s actually a synthesizer and a sequencer.  And on top of that, it uses the DS screen like a poor man’s KAOSSilator.  Which is a lot of fun.  Here’s a video showing what four of them together can do.

They wirelessly synchronize for beat matching and playback.  Of course, you’ll need a mixer to take full advantage of that, but who doesn’t have one laying around?

In short, it’s awesome.

Review based on doodling in the sequencer window and editing note lengths and values, and then adjusting the drum kit sequencer so that it repeats doom-tch-doom-tch-doom-tch while panning speakers from left to right and repeating for several measures before using the kaoss pad function to adjust peak and cutoff values for synth 1, while synth 2’s track is all doomp-doompdoomdoom-doomp and synth 1 and 2 mixed through the flanger FX at the end with the knob turned all the way wet and mixed so that the bass line on synth 2 isn’t overpowering the entire song at 142bpm.

I did not get to try the multiplayer mixing aspect of this program but god help me if I get another copy.

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Post contains term: Weaponized disco ball

In a pretty strange move, Sony is recommending that retailers break street date for Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction.  Which is great news for me because this was one of the games I was actually looking forward to.  Nice to see them do something right for a change.

Thank you, I’m here ’til Friday.

But with Ratchet and Clank: ToD, I played all five minutes of the 1.6GB demo and I was pleased with what they’ve done so far with the series.  Of note, the “Groovitron” weaponized disco ball.

Drop this in a target rich environment and your foes are compelled to dance.  I went through the demo a couple of times just to see how many different animations there were for different enemies.

I have the feeling that this is going to be a favorite of mine in the retail game.

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I'm taking what they're giving

Well, another day passes. At the state department, you have no privacy. It says so when you log in in the morning. It’s interesting, although I never thought I’d be working for the government this. . . well, deep. Friend of mine called me ‘Mulder’ jokingly, although I am located in the basement of the state department.

It’s a heck of a place to work. Good people.

On the flip side, I’m thinking of purchasing Drummania, even though I have nothing to play it on. That, and Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix, just so I can be on the drums and two people on guitar playing in what is the best form of air band, ever. The only problem is money. Serious, serious moolah.

If anyone wants to get me any gifts. These are them.


Final Fantasy: Spirits Within

Final Fantasy, the Spirits Within.

Just, well . . .


I’m going to see it again. Mainly because the theater that I watched it at BURNED THE FILM RIGHT AT THE CLIMAX OF THE MOVIE. Burned. Watched the film blister and crawl up the height of the screen.

However, even if I didn’t get my money back, I would still watch this movie again. Granted, my opinion is based primarily upon watching 98% of the entire movie. (Yes, they killed the film right there.)

The movie is good. Don’t try to compare it to anything you’ve ever seen before. You’ve never seen a movie that looks like this. The story is cliché, but I found myself rooting for these digital thespians. When they died, I cared. When they wanted to kiss someone, I felt it.

A movie based on a video game that does not suck. Imagine that. My money is on the DVD right now. Digital transfer of this film. I’m going to write some more tomorrow, after I get a good night’s rest. I may be embellishing the experience somewhat right now, after the movie high.

But goodness, it’s a beautiful movie.

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