Monthly Archives: June 2003


Okay, I saw this video, thanks to ExplodingCat, and I still don’t understand it. It’s titled, “Weekend,” and if I ever have a weekend like that, I think I can die happy.

This video is not, I repeat not work safe. There’s a computer generated Ganesh, ninjas, a guy screaming, “Respect to the man in the ice cream van,” a crown of thorns, and girls in loincloths gyrating suggestively.

I still don’t understand it. I may have to watch it a few more times.

Just to make sure.

Summer Reading

So, until the 800 pound gorilla arrives on the 21st, I’m reading Angels & Demons, by Dan Brown. I have to say that it’s a fun read. Every few pages or so, I have to get on the internet and look up little bits of technology to see if they really exist.

For instance, the Large Hadron Collider. The 16 mile circumference of the collider will be used for several experiments, starting 2007. In theory, the LHC could be used to produce antimatter, which is a vital plot point in Brown’s suspense thriller.

The pace is fairly breakneck. Now there’s a six hour countdown, and I’m only on page 125. The book is 600 pages long. I’m interested in seeing how he keeps me turning the pages.

Important for some

I’ll have you know that yes, I did finally submit those mirror project pictures we took at the Washington DC Car Show.

The ones that were taken on on New Year’s.

This year.

Six months ago.

Yeah, I know.

Queue Mission Impossible Music

I find it amazing that some rocks can be so special that they have names.

Nevertheless, I’d like to go see them. Anyone up for a trip when all seven of them are together?

Okay, so I couldn't wait

Those of you who are interested, I imported the Japanese version of Soul Calibur 2 for the GameCube. Yes, I know the game is coming in August. Yes, I know I paid a little bit more. Yes, I know the GameCube controller isn’t the best for fighting games. Yes, I know I could conceivably go to Ballston common mall and play the Soul Calibur 2 arcade machine over there.

But I have to say that right now–it is soooo worth it.