Monthly Archives: January 2004

Yep, it really was, now where's my teeth?

I was looking at the billboard charts for 2003, and I realized I didn’t recognize anyone. That comes with not listening to the radio or having MTV. Disgusted, I decided to look up songs for when I was born. Then I looked up songs when I was in the midst of my grade school career. Then when I started the high school gauntlet. Then college.

I found myself thinking, half joking, half serious, “Music was just better when I was younger.”

Where no helpdesk has gone before

I love work conversations.

Long conversation about Lotus Notes webmail interface not working–then. . .

Yuriko Kinje: side note, if a user has a 6.0 or 6.0.3 template and tries to access web mail via Safari, you just get an error that the browser is not supported and no option to use web mail instead of iNotes. Upgrading the template fixes this (gives you the option to use web mail again)
Praxis Loki: What about chronoton interference in the deflector array?
Yuriko Kinje: the chronotron build up in the deflector array is not serious, but keep an eye on the flux inducer grid as it can become mis-aligned causing a temporal-veteron pulse wave which can induce cascading harmonics in the plasma junctions, and you know what that means–burnt out ODN conduits all over the ship
Praxis Loki: What about manual alignment of the flux inducer grid by using a properly polarized Spengler wrench? Venting the plasma junctions before the pulse wave could produce the needed chronotons in a localized area without creating the cascade resonance failure.
Yuriko Kinje: You’re right, that could just be crazy enough to work

There’s either too much Star Trek in my life. . .

. . . Or not enough.

Taking it easy

While the last two weeks have been restful–sleeping, followed by dozing, followed by light napping–the time has come to return to work. I had a good Christmas and New Year’s Day, and I wish everyone a belated non denominational holiday greeting, and fond wishes for the new year.

In the meantime, my parents are in town, so that makes me rather busy. My brother, unfortunately, could not visit along with my mother and father because they scheduled this visit when school starts. My parents have picked a pretty good time to visit. It was pretty nice yesterday, I can only hope the rest of the week manages to be merciful to two people (originally from the Philippines) who think San Diego is cold.