Daily Archives: March 21, 2006

Never realized

I never realized just how many basic kitchen items I don’t have. I’ve been cooking a bit more lately, mainly to save some money and try to eat a little healthier. So far the big successes have been oven roasting chicken thighs, and using the crockpot to cook chicken adobo.

Now I’m starting to venture into the land of actual meals, instead of individual dishes with rice. I’m in the midst of preparing dinner at a friend’s house when I realize I do not own a steamer, nor a pair of tongs.

Both items, which, in retrospect, would have come in handy (and saved myself some “interesting” moments) more than a few times when cooking dinner.

Photo Bug

I’ve noticed an interesting behavior in my iPhoto library. Not an application error or anything like that but I’m actually looking at a pattern in my behavior.

I have over a thousand photos in 2003. Then eight hundred or so in 2004. Then about six hundred photos for 2005. I’ve only got sixty or so photos for this year, and it’s a quarter over.

I’m not sure what is prompting the decline in photos. However, I did have that road trip to Walt Disney World in 2003, which was a lot of photos.

I do enjoy the virtual logging of my life in tiny snippets of time. With EXIF data, I know exactly when and with which camera. With comments and keywords I can search for specific people and places. Right now I’m cataloging and commenting on New Year’s Eve photos.

Which are very interesting, but I’ll leave it at that.