Daily Archives: March 28, 2006

WarCraft Adventures: Redux

So, Blizzard has removed StarCraft: Ghost from their webpage.

Additionally, the game has been “indefinitely postponed” while Blizzard reevaulates their next generation console hardware strategy.

StarCraft: Ghost made Wired’s 2005 Vaporware Awards. Ranked number five on the list, it shares this “honor” with such titles as Duke Nukem Forever (number one), Zelda: Twilight Princess (number six), and Team Fortress 2 (number seven).

In its defense, StarCraft: Ghost has only been in development for about half the time of Duke Nukem Forever.

Of course, Duke Nukem Forever has supposedly been in development since 1997.


If it’s your style, Karaoke Revolution Country is out.

How would you know? Well, just peruse the song list.

All my ex’s live in Texas. . .
And that’s whyyyyyy I hang my hat—in Tenesseeeeeeee!
