Here’s a little story about a girl who we will call, “Mina.” Now, this story has nothing to do with real life, I can’t tell you that enough, so without further filler at this point, I’m going to start my story.
Mina enjoyed cigarettes, and one day, while she was having a cigarette break, a capricious, although very handsome imp decided to mix a bit of her food together. You see, this was at dinner, and his food had not arrived yet. He moved some grits there, and some corned hash around, mixing them together into what he called, “Grash.” Now, the imp never really told anyone that he called it, “Grash,” as this was all in his head. After a while, he got bored and went back to waiting for his food.
Then, the boy-Mina-was-not-dating saw what the imp did and told him that he just did something that Mina really hates.
“You just did something that Mina really hates.” He said, fiddling with his Treo.
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