Monthly Archives: December 2008


I’m a big fan of the Otokoyama Sake from Hokkaido.  Extremely dry, just a little sweet, good hot or cold.

This has nothing to do with the fact that I associate this particular sake with some good times with good people.

Like the time we closed out Yosaku.  In costume.

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A long walk

One wouldn’t think it, but in New Jersey, Atlantic City specifically, there’s a place where the sand dunes rise above your head and the tall grass sways gently with the breeze.

There are rocks, and sand, and the water, and across that, there is Atlantic City proper.

But for now, there’s you and me.

It’s sunset, and over the water, the breeze picks up a chill as we walk between sand dunes, through houses being built, across white sand and dark grey rock.

I help you over a rocky area and then, at that moment, the years just fall away.

It’s good to see you again.


Birth of a Washingtonian, part II

In all the rush, I never even said goodbye to my parents.  I arrived at National alone.  It was the old National then–an unused practically abandoned airport with an outdated terminal, even though it’s an entirely different airport, I still call it national.

The humidity was a shock, having lived in California for my entire life.  I shed my jacket as soon as I got outside.

I took a cab in to the city, marveled at the Potomac at night and the Kennedy center reflected on the black river.  I still hold that the District is the most majestic in the evening, either lit up by fireworks or by conventional means.  DC, when I picture it, and describe it to others, is always in the evening.

I saw the the washington monument and the white house and a few executive buildings.  Later, I would find out that the cab driver took the long way around so that he could charge me more zones.

And thus began my college education. Continue reading

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Electronic Scarecrow

I still don’t see how this is recommended for me. 

Really, what does this say about my buying habits?

Video games, and uh, video games?  Is this the best you can come up with, Amazon? Really?

Is that all you got, Bezos?  Really?  An Electronic Scarecrow?!

Let’s see here.  Well, it is a humane way to scare off rodents and such from your garden.  And you don’t use pesticides or whatnot.

Hrm.  Well, I guess it is kind of neat.

And well. . .  Not too expensive.


You: 0 Elevator: 6

The elevator waits, silent, patient.  Your floor is selected, but why aren’t you moving?

The truth is, it’s waiting for the opportune moment.

You wonder, briefly about its condition.  Is it broken?

Your hand starts to move towards the close door button, and it strikes with perfect timing.

The doors begin to close and you’re on your way.

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