Man of Words, This was even better the second time around. Delicious humor. Your timing (comic, dramatic) was excellent. And your (s)wordplay is of course phenomenal. I see a future for you in stand-up. Truly awesome. 🙂 In John Cage fashion, I also love the occasional intelligible dialogue from a small child in the background. Last, found myself pondering the line, “I’ve seen many things from her (Nina)”. O_o –Neale
That was the best best man speech I have ever heard. Sweet with just a hint of Steve Jobs mixed in for good measure.
I wish I could have been there, but am glad you shared this, Fil!
Man of Words, This was even better the second time around. Delicious humor. Your timing (comic, dramatic) was excellent. And your (s)wordplay is of course phenomenal. I see a future for you in stand-up. Truly awesome. 🙂 In John Cage fashion, I also love the occasional intelligible dialogue from a small child in the background. Last, found myself pondering the line, “I’ve seen many things from her (Nina)”. O_o –Neale