Monthly Archives: January 2009

Isn't Broken Anymore

I have to say, I’m very impressed with the Resident Evil 5 Demo.

Impressed that it took CAPCOM five whole iterations of this franchise to realize that their control scheme was broken, and finally fixed it.

Downloaded the demo on the 360, and to be honest, was not expecting too much. However, once I got into playing the demo I found something I didn’t expect: decent controls. Continue reading


Eat First

It’s not quite as cold as it could be, but it’s still cold.

I’m walking the wrong way down 9th street, but at least I got off at the correct exit.  I’m heading to Eat First, which is a smaller restaurant in Chinatown.  I realize I don’t go downtown nearly as often as I should.  Finally get to Eat First and people are waiting because they got there early.

It’s a good day.

Tonight, had a little bit of everything.  Duck, fish, chicken, pork, lotus root, frog, sausage, sprouted something.  Overall a good time, but that may have something to do with the company.

On the ride up, I realized that I enjoyed the Fallout 3 advertising blitz in Metro Center.  The IKEA blitz of Gallery Place, not so much.  I don’t know, maybe I just have a soft spot for video game advertising.

So, anyway, Eat First.  Horrible name, great food.

A+ transaction, would do business with again.  Although it helps to have a guide that knows everyone there and speaks the language.


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Like a hot pink Gom Jabbar

Barbie’s finger nail painter makes gaming writers beautiful.

I don’t know how I missed this gem during all the footage.  In particular, I love how this writer compares the Barbie nail painter to the Gom Jabbar.

It’s interesting that this device exists, even in a conceptual way.  I would think that maybe, you know, it would be easier to have a human being paint what you want on your nail.


Late to the party


I only really started watching and listening to Hulu and Pandora recently.  I think I got burned out during the early years when nothing was really working and they hadn’t figured out the whole “who is going to pay for this” part of the serving media equation.

I’m glad, that at least in Hulu’s case, that they’ve got it worked out.

And I don’t even mind the commercials, that’s saying a lot.  I just watched a couple episodes of “Legend of the Seeker” which is based on the Sword of Truth series from Terry Goodkind.  While I can’t recommend it wholeheartedly, it has some good moments.  Not sure if I’ll continue watching,  but at least, it’s free, available, and accessible.

I don’t have to worry about carrying that media with me on an external hard drive, and I can watch it whenever I want, on my schedule.  The latter is something I demand of my media, being able to watch at leisure, instead of being locked to a broadcast schedule.

I think that was my main issue with broadcast television.  Now that that’s over and done with, go ahead and play commercials every now and again.  No, really, it’s cool.

I’ll be sitting right here paying rapt attention to whatever it is you’re trying to sell me.

Yep.  Definitely not doing anything in another tab and just listening for when the show starts again.

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