
Just registered all of the games I had available for the Club Nintendo Datamining Website.

I earned enough to get Platinum Status.  It’s the first year that the club is available in North America, but Japan’s club has gotten some pretty neat swag in the past.  I’m hoping that the trend continues over here.  I’ll find out what the reward is for revealing all of my purchasing habits at the end of the Club Nintendo Year, which is July 30th.

For those of you playing the home game, here’s a sample:

  • How did you hear about this title?
    Primary answer: Other website
  • How did you purchase this title?
    Primary answer: Online retailer
  • What was a major influence for you to purchase this title?
    Primary answers:  Poor Impulse Control.  Nostalgia.  OCD.

You can see how this went.

All that aside, I really want that set of Mario Hanafuda cards.  I just like the idea of Nintendo cards, the first things they ever made in Japan over 100 years ago, combined with Mario, the character that made them the videogame empire, on the same item.