Starring Radiohead’s Creep!
Although I don’t know if I can really call it practice if it’s four chords.
Easy ones, at that. Well, take a listen.
Inspired, of course, by watching Amanda Palmer do it.
Starring Radiohead’s Creep!
Although I don’t know if I can really call it practice if it’s four chords.
Easy ones, at that. Well, take a listen.
Inspired, of course, by watching Amanda Palmer do it.
Yes, that’s the whole title. And yes, it’s still Super Street Fighter II Turbo, it just looks a little different.
Okay, a lot different.
Okay, awesome. It looks as awesome as I remember SSFIIT looking when I was playing SSFIIT in the arcades. The lens of nostalgia is affecting my memory, admittedly, but it’s really quite a good looking game. It’s Street Fighter, but it looks a lot better. The gameplay was already sound, and the tiny changes that they’ve made affect a very small portion of the hardcore street fighter community, but they’re good changes. They’ll never affect my level of play, but from what I’ve read, they’re improvements. This is apparently the definitive version of Street Fighter II.
Which would make it the sixth or seventh version, depending on how you want to count “versions.”
I’m not sure that Ryu needed a fake fireball, but apparently he has one now. I’m not complaining. What’s neat is that CAPCOM actually went to OverClocked, which is a video game ReMixing community and asked if they could compose the new music.  You know, instead of sending them cease and desist letters.
The worst part of playing this game is the fact that I don’t really have anyone to play against. I mean, that was the whole point. It’s not really a fighting game unless you’re competing. I’m more interested in getting folks to play in informal tournaments at my place, but that will have to wait until I have decent controllers. The 360 controller, while fine for most games today, really does not fare well as a Street Fighter II game controller. Hell, the SNES controller was a better controller. At least the directional pad worked on the SNES.
I find myself punching way too often when I feel like I’ve input a down, downforward, forward, punch. Or maybe it’s just been too long.
I remember the days when I would put my quarter up on the machine to indicate next.
Sadly, that arcade is gone now, replaced by a Mongolian BBQ. Yellow Brick Road at University Town Centre, I will miss you.
Bleah. This cold is totally being passive aggressive right now. I’ve been dealing with it but then I totally forgot that CES was going on.
As in, right now.
Just catching up with all of the announcements and everything. So far the most interesting things so far are the MadCatz Street Fighter IV tournament edition stick and the tiny DLPs from Wowwee.
Finally there was the Palm pré which is just, “Wow.” They’ve come a long way since I owned a US Robotics palm device. Continue reading
I’m convinced that being half sick, may be worse than actually being sick. It’s like I’m waiting for the real sickness to come barreling through the front door and apologizing, “I’m here, sorry I’m late, here’s your plague.”
Throat’s raw, but not swollen, there’s some congestion but it’s more annoying than anything else.
I feel I am in a steady decline though, and I’m trying my best to combat it with hydration and rest. At least it’s Friday tomorrow and that’s that.
So, thankfully, with the WordPress UI being completely revamped, I’m inspired to tag and title all of the previous entries.
I thought that this was an awesome, awesome idea.
Until I realized I have been super lazy this entire time that I have maintained (and I use the term loosely) this website.
It started out as a windows 2000 box where I manually updated the index.html and then moved older entries, again, manually. Anyone remember the Code Red virus? Yeah, that happened to me. Oh the joys of running your own webserver.
Then blogger came along and that was a godsend. “It can do dates automatically?!”
And then it ceased to be a godsend, and I migrated to WordPress circa 2004 and haven’t looked back.
Right now I’m contemplating a “clip show” where I round up posts that I forgot I had written and then post snippets.
This project is going to be long, but I foresee it being shorter than the “digitize old written journals” project that I’ve sort of ignored since 1990.